Classic Ambiance Flashback

Thursday, October 29, 2015

I wish Franco and Mayaula Mayoni made few songs of them singing together


Mayaula Mayoni 

I never even wanted to consider because I really Franco and Mayaula Mayoni as guitarists especially Mayaula Mayoni. Mayaula Mayoni, I wanted to focus on his songs and his guitar. He was an incredible rhythmist but he was also good with Mi-Solo guitar. Not like Franco, but he was pretty good. 

Then I listened to the songs realizing that I am listening to Mayaula Mayoni either in the background (which was usually the case) or lead concerning vocals. I used to not make much of it until I listened to the Bikini album. His vocals were the best. What is weird that Mayoni's voice got better as he got old. I wish Mayoni had sang more in his last album Bikini. His voice was really good. 

What song that got me with his voice was a song that Tshala Muana sang. Nasi Nabali which Mayoni composed. In fact it was the songs that Mayoni sang with Tshala Muana, I began to appreciate the voice of Mayaula Mayoni. 

Mayaula Mayoni sang with some others. Think of Carlyto Lassa, Pembe Sheiro, Abby Suriya, Luciana, Aime Kikwana, Sam Mangwana, and of course his lookalike Madilu System. I love that Madilu and Mayaula sang together on the second take of Bon Anniversaire. Their voices were so damn similar that I could not tell who was Mayoni and who was Madilu. Heck they look like brothers. I am surprised that they are not cousins. 

I think if Mayaula could sing with Madilu, he could have sang with Franco. He was capable to doing some medium high notes with Franco himself. The best case of them together is that Mayoni himself always preferred to sing in the background rather than sing lead. Since Franco had a strong voice, he could use his low notes with Mayaula's high notes into a song. 

Let me show the songs that Franco and Mayaula Mayoni would be into beautiful songs. 
Here is from Franco 
Now from Mayaula Mayoni

Hear those four songs, tell me whether you could see Franco and Mayaula Mayoni singing together. 

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