Classic Ambiance Flashback

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Pourquoi Pepe Kalle devrait avoir joint L'OK Jazz du Grand Maître Franco?

Afropop Worldwide | Best of The Beat on Afropop: Remembering Franco Luambo  Makiadi

Bitota” by Pepe Kalle – LUBANATION.COM

Bonjour à tous. J'espère que vous allez bien. Je vais faire deux postes de la polémique. La polémique dans le bon sens. Je faisais deux postes du Grand Maître Franco contre Géantafrique Pepe Kalle. Je vais parler de Pepe Kalle comme un emploi du Grand Maître Franco. Je l'ai dit. Ce n'est pas ma pensée mais il y a des gens qui pensent que Pepe Kalle serait mieux sous la direction d'un autre artiste.

Ce cas sera sur pourquoi Pepe Kalle devrait avoir joindre L'OK Jazz du Grand Maître Franco? 

Je vais vous donner sept raisons lesquelles Pepe Kalle devrait avoir joint Le TPOK Jazz de Franco. 

1) Félicité d'apporter les chanteurs plus jeunes dans une façon très facile.

2) Pepe Kalle était un joueur d'équipe. 

3) Franco a un moins de souci d'un autre groupe. 

4) Pepe Kalle est un bosseur et Franco aime un bosseur. 

5) Pépé Kalle aurait apporté plus animations pour OK Jazz. 

6) Tabu Ley aurait été dans la tentation pour chercher quelqu'un comme Nzaya Nzayadio dedans Afrisa puisqu'il a voix comme Pepe Kalle. 

7) Pepe Kalle est le chanteur de la deuxième voix

La raison finale ce qu'il est très importante pour la citer. Pour moi réellement, j'ai considéré toujours et considérer encore Franco comme le chanteur de la deuxième voix. Mais il y a des fanatiques de Franco qui disent que Franco était un chanteur de genre de ténor et pas baryton que je crois. 

Pour ceux qui disent que Franco était un chanteur de genre de ténor, il y a des moments ou il semble pour être le cas. Je vais démontrer où les arguments marchent. 






Ces chansons démontrent ou Franco chante plus haut que les autres. Vous pouvez parler de Josky Kiambukuta, Michel Boyibanda, Madilu Systeme, Vicky Longomba ou Youlou Mabiala ce qui demi des chanteurs sont des ténoristes naturelles. 

Mais il y a de la chanson ou Franco aurait la capacité de chanter tenor plus facile tout le temps en harmonie. Cette chanson s'appelle La Vie Des Hommes. 

Cette chanson est ou il aurait été mieux fait avec Pepe Kalle qu'il était avec Madilu malgré le bon boulot ce qu'il a fait dans la chanson. La chanson La Vie des Hommes 
était bien fait par Franco. Mais si Pepe Kalle avait chante, je pense que Franco aurait plus inspirée pour chanter en harmonie avec Pepe Kalle dans la manière de ténor tout le temps. Peut-être, il demontrait mieux la voix ténoriste de Franco ce qu'il avait. 

Puisque Pepe Kalle est réellement un chanteur de la deuxième voix, sa voix aurait poussé le désir de Franco de retourner au ténor. Peut-etre la raison laquelle Franco voulait Pepe Kalle dedans OK Jazz et pourquoi il decidait pour ajouter Madilu. Mais Madilu a passé Pepe Kalle lui-même dans le chant haut malgré les moments que Pepe Kalle a démontré sa capacité dans le chant haut. Ecoute à lui avec Tabu Ley. Revient au sujet du Grand Maître et Géantafrique, la perfection de la deuxième voix de Pepe Kalle aurait aidé Franco aux moments ou originellement il a chanté la bas, il aurait chanté haut de nouveau. Je vais vous donner deux exemples ouil aurait été grand en ténor de l'assistance de Pepe Kalle. 



Ces chansons auriont été mieulleure avec la voix de Pepe Kalle. Je peux imaginer la voix du ténor de Franco plus fort. Je vais aller plus profond aux analyses du duo de rêve de Franco et Pepe Kalle. 

Peut-être, si Pepe Kalle est venu dans L'OK Jazz, il aurait été très confortable avec les voix de Djo Mpoyi et Ntesa qui seront parlés dans les duos de rêve avec Pepe Kalle. 

Pepe Kalle serait un bon choix alternatif pour L'OK Jazz quand Josky ne veut pas chanter. Pour les exemples, poussons Pepe Kalle avec Wuta Mayi, Ndombe et Ntesa ou Diatho Lukoki, Wuta Mayi et Djo Mpoyi. Les chansons de Franco, nous pouvons entendre la voix de Pepe Kalle avec Ndombe et Ntesa ou Djo et Ndombe ou Wuta et Ntesa ou Wuta et Djo. 

Pepe Kalle est venu de L'école de L'Africa Jazz et Franco aimait cette musique beaucoup pour si Pepe Kalle avait joint Ok Jazz, il pousserait l'influence de L'Empire Bakuba dans la grande explosion avec les chansons plus de tempo et je sais que Franco l'exceller avec les sebenes. Pépé Kalle aurait donné beaucoup d'animations pour L'OK Jazz. 

Le duo de rêve de Franco et Pepe Kalle sera prochaine. 

Why Pepe Kalle should have joined OK Jazz of Franco?

 Afropop Worldwide | Best of The Beat on Afropop: Remembering Franco Luambo  Makiadi

Bitota” by Pepe Kalle – LUBANATION.COM

Hello everyone. I hope you are well. I am doing a controversial post. I mean two. It is about Franco and Pepe Kalle. I did posts of Franco vs Pepe Kalle. This time I will speak on Pepe Kalle being a employee of Franco. I said that. Well I don't think that  but there are people that say that Pepe Kalle would have been better under someone else. There are some who say that Pepe Kalle would have better been with Franco and there are some who say that Pepe Kalle was good on his own. 

This case will be about on why Pepe Kalle should have joined OK Jazz of Franco? 

I will give you seven reasons why Pepe Kalle should have joined Franco's Le TPOK Jazz.

1) Felicity of bringing younger singers more easily

2) Pepe Kalle was a team player 

3) Franco has one less group to worry about 

4) Pepe Kalle is hard working and Franco loves a hard worker. 

5) Pepe Kalle would have brought more animations for OK Jazz.

6) Tabu Ley would have been tempted to get someone like Nzaya Nzayadio into Afrisa since he sounds similar to Pepe Kalle. 

7) Pepe Kalle is a second voice singer. 

The last reason is actually very important to state this. Well for me anyway, I always considered and still consider Franco to also be a second voice range singer. But there are Franco fans say that actually Franco was a tenor type of singer not baritone as I believe. 

For those who say that Franco was a tenor type of singer, there are moments where that does seems to be the case. I will show where their arguments do hold. 






These songs show where Franco sings higher than someone else. Whether you are speaking of Youlou Mabiala, Josky Kiambukuta, Vicky Longomba, Michel Boyibanda or Madilu System which half are natural tenorists. 

But there is one song where Franco would have been better singing tenor the whole time in harmony. That song is La Vie Des Hommes. 

This song is where it would have been better done with Pepe Kalle than it was with Madilu though Madilu did a great job with the song. Franco made a great song of La Vie des hommes. But if Pepe Kalle had sung this instead, Franco would have been more inspired not only to harmonize with Pepe Kalle but he would sing tenor the whole time. Perhaps it would show better Franco's tenor voice that he had. 

Since Pepe Kalle is truly a second voice singer, his voice would have pushed Franco's desire to go back to tenor. That is probably why Franco wanted Pepe Kalle into OK Jazz and why he decided to add Madilu. But Madilu was better singing higher than Pepe Kalle though Pepe Kalle had moments where he could sing high. Listen to him with Tabu Ley. Back to Franco and Pepe Kalle, Pepe's second voice being perfect would have helped Franco at moments where he sang low then he would sing high again. I will give two examples where he would have been great with tenor with assistance of Pepe Kalle. 



These songs would have been better done with a voice of Pepe Kalle. I can imagine Franco's tenor shining much more. I will go deeper into analysis on dream duet post of Franco and Pepe Kalle.  

Also, if Pepe Kalle had been in OK Jazz, he would have been also very comfortable with voices of Djo Mpoyi and Ntesa Dalienst whom I will speak of them with Pepe Kalle in dream duets. 

Pepe Kalle would be a good alternative choice for OK Jazz  when Josky does not want to sing. Like example, we can put Pepe Kalle with Wuta Mayi, Ndombe and Ntesa or Diatho Lukoki, Wuta Mayi and Djo Mpoyi. In a Franco lead song, we can hear a voice of Pepe Kalle with Ndombe and Ntesa or Djo and Ndombe or Wuta and Ntesa or Wuta and Djo. 

Pepe Kalle came from Africa Jazz school and Franco loved that music so much that if Pepe Kalle had joined OK Jazz, he would put Empire Bakuba influence into great blast with more uptempo songs and I know Franco would excel on it with the sebenes. Pepe Kalle would have given many animations for OK Jazz. 

Franco and Pepe Kalle dream duet will be next. 

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Pourquoi Pepe Kalle avait raison pour ne joindre pas L'OK Jazz du Grand Maître Franco?

 Afropop Worldwide | Best of The Beat on Afropop: Remembering Franco Luambo  Makiadi

Bitota” by Pepe Kalle – LUBANATION.COM

Bonjour à tous. J'espère que vous allez bien. Je vais faire deux postes de la polémique. La polémique dans le bon sens. Je faisais deux postes du Grand Maître Franco contre Géantafrique Pepe Kalle. Je vais parler de Pepe Kalle comme un emploi du Grand Maître Franco. Je l'ai dit. Ce n'est pas ma pensée mais il y a des gens qui pensent que Pepe Kalle serait mieux sous la direction d'un autre artiste.

Ce cas sera sur pourquoi Pepe Kalle avait raison pour ne joindre pas L'OK Jazz du Grand Maître Franco?

Je vais vous donner sept raisons lesquelles Pepe Kalle a fait du choix correct ne joindre pas Le TPOK Jazz de Franco. 

1)  Papy Tex serait seul ou sera allé jouer pour un autre orchestre. 

2) Pepe Kalle would have only done nzonzings with Papy Tex. Pepe Kalle aurait fait des nzonzings avec son ami d'enfance Papy Tex seulement. 

3) Probablement, Madilu n'aurait jamais été un membre de L'OK Jazz.

4) Pepe Kalle avait déjà un orchestre qui fonctionnait très bien dans la scène musicale Congolaise. 

5) Franco n'avait jamais besoin instamment de l'individu comme Pepe Kalle. 

6) Un plus grand conflit aurait fait entre Franco et Verckys 

7) Pepe Kalle avait son destin propre comme une grande étoile. 

La raison finale est plus important laquelle je peux dire que Pepe Kalle avait raison pour ne joindre pas L'OK Jazz du Grand Maître Franco. Dans mon point de vue, Pepe Kalle avait son destin propre comme une grande étoile. Pepe Kalle un destin pour diriger son orchestre propre. En plus, il avait son ami d'enfance s'appelle Papy Tex et plus tard, il trouvait un autre ami Dilu Dilumona

Pépé Kalle était quelqu'un qui avait le vedattariat du minute qu'il est venu dedans la scène musicale. Il est venu de l'école du Grand Kalle mais il a préparé clairement pour faire son marque propre comme un chanteur. Après tout, il a déjà fait un orchestre qui avait popularité énorme dans la scène musicale Kinoise (Africa Choc) avec son ami d'enfance Papy Tex. Aditionellement, Pépé Kalle était déjà dans son chemin pour travailler avec les individus comme Seskain Molenga avant la préparation de son orchestre officiel L'Empire Bakuba. Finalement, Pepe Kalle avait beaucoup de confiance que j'ai parlé déjà avant. Cette confiance le traversait partout sa carrière dans les bons temps et les mauvais temps. 

Aussi, probablement il y aurait un grand plus conflit entre Franco et Verckys. Parce que je sais bien que Verckys et Franco refuseraient entrer une meme une même chambre. 

Finalement, Franco n'avait pas besoin réellement de Pepe Kalle. Il avait déjà des chanteurs comme Josky Kiambukuta, Ntesa Dalienst et Ndombe Opetum. Ces chanteurs étaient solide pour chanter des chansons dans le style de Franco. Franco était une légende prochaine. Franco faisait des chansons classiques avec beaucoup de chanteurs. Franco était dans le chemin pour devenir un des grands du tout le temps. Franco changeait déjà sa musique en plus du style musical de l'África Jazz. Ça va dire la musique du style musical de L'Africa Fiesta. 

Est-ce que vous êtes d'accord ou désaccord? 

Why Pepe Kalle was right not joining OK Jazz of Franco?

 Afropop Worldwide | Best of The Beat on Afropop: Remembering Franco Luambo  Makiadi

Bitota” by Pepe Kalle – LUBANATION.COM

Hello everyone. I hope you are well. I am doing a controversial post. I mean two. It is about Franco and Pepe Kalle. I did posts of Franco vs Pepe Kalle. This time I will speak on Pepe Kalle being a employee of Franco. I said that. Well I don't think that  but there are people that say that Pepe Kalle would have been better under someone else. There are some who say that Pepe Kalle would have better been with Franco and there are some who say that Pepe Kalle was good on his own. 

This case will be about on why Pepe Kalle was right not joining OK Jazz of Franco? 

I will give you seven reasons why Pepe Kalle made the right choice not joining Franco's Le TPOK Jazz.

1)  Papy Tex would be on his own or have to play for another band. 

2) Pepe Kalle would have only done nzonzings with Papy Tex. 

3) Madilu probably would have never been in OK Jazz. 

4) Pepe Kalle already had a band that was doing very good in the Congolese Music Scene.

5) Franco was not in urgent need of a individual like Pepe Kalle.

6) Franco and Verckys would have a bigger conflict. 

7) Pepe Kalle was meant to be his own star. 

Final reason is the most important why. In my view, Pepe Kalle was born to be his own star. He was meant to lead a band. In addition, he had his childhood friend Papy Tex and later on with another friend Dilu Dilumona

Pepe Kalle was someone who was a superstar from the minute he came into the music scene. He was from Grand Kalle school but he was clearly set to make his own mark as a singer. After all, he already had a group that was pretty popular at the local Kinshasa music scene (Africa Choc) with his childhood friend Papy Tex. In addition, Pepe Kalle was on his way to work with individuals like Seskain Molenga before preparing for an official band called Empire Bakuba. Finally, Pepe Kalle was a very confident which I spoke before. This confidence helped him keep his career going with the good and the bad times. 

Also, perhaps there would have been a bigger conflict between Franco and Verckys. Because I am sure Verckys and Franco would not even want to be in the same room. 

Finally, Franco did not really need Pepe Kalle. He already had likes of Josky Kiambukuta, Ntesa Dalienst, and Ndombe Opetum. Those singers were solid to sing on Franco style songs. Franco was a legend in making. Franco made great classic songs with different kind of singers. Franco was on his way to become one of the all time greats. Franco already changed his music to more African Jazz style music. In other words, "Africa Fiesta Style of Music". 

Do you agree or disagree? 

Franco- FABRICE (1983)


Hello everyone. I want to do a post on this classic work. 

It is Chez Fabrice a Bruxxelles. It is a great work from Franco and Le TPOK Jazz. It was released in 1983. This album is a important for three reasons.

1) Some notable OKJ singers left. I mean Ndombe Opetum, Djo Mpoyi, Diatho Lukoki and Wuta Mayi. Wuta Mayi would go to form a band with Nyboma called 4 Etoiles. Djo Mpoyi would go to do some solo adventure and do some songs with Diatho of a side band Tiers Monde. Ndombe would form Tiers Cooperation with Sam Mangwana before Diatho and Djo would join Ndombe on that band after Sam went for another adventure. 
2) Franco rediscovered a passion in making duets with the song Non. 
3) It was beginning of the star of Madilu System.

This album was where Madilu System would finally breakthrough after years of having no luck with end of Bakuba Mayopi. But on this song, Madilu restarted his stardom and fans of OKJ began to notice him. They enjoyed his voice a lot. When you listen to Non, you notice it sounds a little different from his usual style. Well it was designed that way. If Franco had it his way, no way Madilu would have sung this song. In fact he made this song for another individual. Who was it? Josky Kiambukuta. Wait? JOSKY, Really? Yes. Well according to Madilu anyway. He claimed that he wanted this song to be for Josky. Very interesting but then again Josky was nicknamed Djosex for love songs. After all, Josky was Franco's favorite singer for a long time. He often selected Josky to sing in his songs. I mean Josky even co-sang lead Franco's TOKOMA BACAMARADE. So I can see why Franco wanted Josky. But Josky surprisingly refused. Also, he did not look for Ntesa Dalienst which is shocking considering that Ntesa and Franco had a great complimentary sound together. Franco was apparently mad because he could not get a singer. Funny enough, Madilu said Franco even wanted Nyboma and Wuta Mayi who then formed 4 Etoiles as I mentioned before with Syran Mbenza and Bopol. Then, Madilu said that he sung a little vocal but Franco wanted Tabu Ley but thanks to Franco's wife, the song officially went to Madilu as Franco's duet partner. You know the rest is history for the beginning of Madilu's reign on OKJ after 1983.

Also comes the good harmony of Josky Kiambukuta, Madilu System and Ntesa Dalienst. It would be showed on the songs Freins a main (handbrake) and Second Version of Fabrice which is known as 5 Ans Ya Fabrice (5 years of Fabric). These songs also showed Franco's ability to give storytelling while singing at the same time. I saw the great emotion and passion of Josky, Madilu and Ntesa in the choirs. This showed how good Franco was at assembling great singers together. He did once with Josky, Ndombe and Ntesa or Josky, Pepe Ndombe and Youlou Mabiala or Diatho Lukoki, Josky and Ntesa. This one was no exception. Franco was a great musical genius not only on guitar but also getting great singers in order to great harmony for all OKJ fans to enjoy.  

Another part of Madilu's rise into OKJ had a part of another individual who people often compare Madilu to. Well vocally speaking anyway. Also this man really was loved by Franco. I am speaking about Pepe Kalle. Pepe Kalle was a big star in Congo at the time and he was impressing big stars. While Franco pretended to be scared of Zaiko Langa Langa, in reality he feared Pepe Kalle much more that he attempted to actually get him into OKJ. But the problem was that Pepe Kalle wanted to be his own man and respectfully declined to join OK Jazz. Franco was very angry about this that he was determined to find a "Pepe Kalle" prototype. He would get his wish after finding Madilu and getting success with him on the song Non. Madilu's star rose as Pepe Kalle started to make noise around the periods of 1985 to 1988. Franco and Pepe Kalle found that they had a lot of things in common. Papy Tex had remarked that Franco and Pepe Kalle would do some games together while Papy Tex would not want to participate. Also Franco preferred Empire Bakuba over Zaiko Langa Langa behind the scenes. THAT IS THE TRUTH. According to Papy Tex, Franco was a important partner to Empire Bakuba and he did a lot for them to get more access. 

That leads to my series that I am going to do? Should Pepe Kalle have joined OK Jazz? That is a tough question. Yes and No. It is really 50 and 50. I did often say that Dr. Nico should have joined Franco (and I insist on it today) because Franco could handle anyone. I am sure Franco could have managed Pepe Kalle very well. 

I will give two sides of the coin. Seven reasons why Pepe Kalle should not have joined OK Jazz and Seven reasons why Pepe Kalle should have joined OK Jazz.